How Much Money Do Top Bloggers Earn?
A lot of us do not think of blogging as a full-time career job. But there are many individuals who are working as full-time bloggers. Here is a list of top bloggers in India and their earning to give you more motivation to start your own blog.
The majority of WordPress users are bloggers and they make quite a lot of money by only sharing helpful content.
The amount of money they are making is in Lakhs, even a proficient engineer and doctors are not making this much money. You need to be consistent and put a lot of effort to earn this much through blogging.
However, all of them began their journey at a young age. Since it does not require any huge amount of investment you can start it just from your desktop.
Now, we are going to talk about top bloggers in India who are making a huge amount of money through blogging.
Now, after reading about all these incomes you might probably be thinking about how you can earn money through a blog. Well, there are quite a lot of ways through which you can earn money through a website or a blog. The two most popular ways of earning money through blogs are Google Adsense and Affiliate marketing.
Now, we are going to separately discuss how much money you can earn through both of these techniques.
How Much Money One Can Earn From Google Adsense through A Blog/Website
One of the most popular questions among the inspiring bloggers is how much money does Google Adsense pay and here is why. Adsense for some is a source from which they can get a better life and for some, it is a complete waste of time.
We are using the Adsense for almost a decade now and one thing we can say for sure is that it is a great way of earning money online. What I can’t tell you is precisely how much money you can make from it because there are tons of factors that play a role in the income of Google Adsense.
Google AdSense offers two different types of earnings – 1. eCPM 2. Pay per click. The eCPM is, earning from the many impressions. What that means is that, when an individual comes to your website and opens different pages of your site then it, ll be considered as page view or page impression. When your page view or impression reaches the threshold of thousand, then some money will get credited to your Adsense account and the Pay per click pays you when someone clicks on the ads on your website. Ads are displayed on your website and you can put a maximum of three ads on your website.
Technically there is no exact cap on how much money you can earn from a blog. There are peoples who make thousands of dollars in just a month, but those are just outliers. it is extremely hard to get to that position not everyone has the drive or time to put in the necessary work.
The quality of the content available at your blog, Adsense complaint website, and a lot of traffic are the factors which determine the success of any blog, you must always be causes of these three factors if you want your blog to be successful.
How Much Can You Earn From Affiliate Marketing in 2019
For those who new to the concept of Affiliate marketing, I am going to explain what it is, Affiliate marketing is the process through which the affiliates earn money/commission for advertising another company’s or individuals services or products. An Affiliate just selects a product of his choosing, then advertises that product in their blog or website and gets a portion of profit from each sale they make. The numbers of sales are tracked with the help of affiliate links.
How Do Affiliate Marketers Get Paid?
An inexpensive and quick way of generating income without the issue of actually selling a service or product, Affiliate marketing has an outstanding draw for individuals who are looking to make more income online. In this method, the consumer does not always need to purchase the product for the affiliate to get compensated. There are different programs and through which the seller’s sale is impacted and their sale is calculated according to the effort made by the affiliate. Here are the ways in which an affiliate may get paid:
1. Pay per sale.
Pay per sale is the most standard payment structure of the affiliate marketing. As I have mentioned above in this method the affiliate gets a portion of profit after a consumer purchases the product through the marketing strategy of the affiliate. In other words, it just means that the affiliate must persuade its users to invest in the product to get compensated.
2. Pay per lead.
This one is a bit more complex system of affiliate marketing; in this program, the affiliates earn money according to the conversion of leads. in this the affiliate must use an effective strategy to persuade the buyer to go to the seller's website and do the desired action - whether it’s signing up for the trial of a product, filling out a contact form, subscribing to a newsletter, or downloading files or software.
3. Pay per click.
This method emphasizes on incentivizing the affiliate to redirect the buyer from their blog or website to the seller's website. In this method, the affiliate must persuade the readers to move one from the affiliate website to the merchant’s website. The affiliate is compensated according to the increase in traffic on the merchant’s website.
How Much Money Can You Expect to Earn From Your Blog
Selecting blogging as a career has a number of incredible perks like being your own boss and working from the comfort of your home. But can you make decent money through blogging is the question that a lot of new bloggers ask themselves. We are here to answer that question for you.
You might have heard about individuals claiming to make thousands of dollars through blogging but do not let that tempt you these are some unusually successfully blogs. If you are just starting out a blog you might not earn in millions right away. Setting up a good blog with good content and earning a decent amount of money through it takes time, even years. So if you are just starting out do not expect some crazy amount of money right away. There are many ways through which you can earn money through your blog (as already mentioned above) you can use any of that.
In all of these methods one thing that mainly determines the income is the traffic and to make more traffic in your blog, you need high quality and useful content. You just need to put forth your best effort and it is guaranteed that you can earn a decent living through your blog in a few years. Put the useful and quality and peoples are sure to visit on your blog.